Somos Scholarship/Beca

Somos Seattle’s scholarship fund is supporting Latinas/os/x or LGBTQ+ seniors graduating from the Mukilteo School District.

Somos Seattle a creado un fondo de becas para estudiantes Latinx/Latinas/Latinos o LGBT que se gradúen de el distrito escolar de Mukilteo.


Scholarship Criteria:

Applicants must meet the requirements outlined below.

  • Be a graduating Senior from a Mukilteo School District High School (Mariner, Kamiak, or ACES)

  • Identify as being part of the Latina/o/x and/or LGBTQ+ community. 

  • Have a Post-High School Plan. 

  • Provide two academic references. 

Application Process:

Please prepare written responses for the following four questions. Maximum 500 words. 

  1. Describe how you have demonstrated leadership potential within the LGBTQ+ community and/or Latina/o/x community.

  2. Discuss what your cultural/personal identity means to you. (Tell us about yourself, not limited to your identity and role in places you are part of. Tell us about your passion(s), hopes, goals, and dreams.)

  3. Tell us about a moment you are most proud of. (This can be academic, personal, or work-related.)

  4. What are your plans after high school? What are your hopes/goals in five years? What motivates you?


Application Launch: 3/13/2024

Online application deadline: 5/15/2024

Decision communicated by: 5/24/2024

Celebration at Somos Pride Event - Block 41: 6/21/2024

Donate today - invest in the future!

When making your donation, write in “Scholarship” as the designation.

Escribe la palabra “Beca” para designar tu donación a esta beca.